Thursday, April 30, 2009

Trip to the Dentist!!

Hey Jason!!!

Guess what?! While I was in Wisconsin, I got to go to the dentist!!!!! It was so cool--more bears should get to go!

The chairs were HUGE, but still worked for a little guy like me. I had Xrays taken of my teeth (good news--no cavites!), they were all polished up and I got to watch some really neat videos about brushing and flossing. The videos had monkeys or dogs doing the talking and teaching, but even though it was a fellow bear doing the videos, they were still pretty good.

I had a lot of fun in Wisconsin--there was plenty of snow and COLD weather there! Michigan is my next stop, I bet I have a blast there too.

Here's some pictures of me at the dentist--I asked nicely and got new toothbrushes for you and Haley =)